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The proposed development is for a scheme of 82 dwellings on the site, comprising a mixture of 2, 3 and 4 bed houses and affordable and market tenures 


The new homes will vary in size, type and tenure and provide a broad choice of properties within the local housing market; whether that is for first time buyers, families moving up the ladder or down sizers looking for a home more suitable for their needs.


The development will seek to provide a policy complaint provision of affordable housing, subject to viability considerations.


A large green space will be created at the centre of the site which will accommodate a crescent design entrance linking both Ridgeway Lane and Lower Pennington Lane. This will link to a smaller secondary recreation space and green corridors through the site to deliver a verdant character.


The connection between these spaces will have priority for pedestrians with speed controls and shared surfaces used to provide an attractive environment for pedestrians. A range of walking routes will be provided and there will be significant opportunities for informal play and general recreation such as dog walking, picnicking and outdoor exercise.


Pedestrian and cycle access to the site will be provided from Lower Pennington Lane and Ridgeway Lane whilst also connecting surround public footpaths.


New pedestrian connections will be formed eastwards from and existing footway on to Ridgeway lane through to Woodside park. A further connection will also be created northwards through Forest Gate Gardens and a new public footway provided northwards along Ridgeway Lane, of an appropriate design to link with the existing footway at the Rookes Lane junction.


A dense landscape buffer is proposed adjoining Oakhaven Hospice to supplement the existing tree line and allow for a natural woodland character to develop. A new car parking provision is also proposed for the hospice to provide a betterment for its existing facilities.


Each of the residential dwellings on the site has a good sized private rear garden and a defensible front garden with either parking on plot on in a courtyard parking arrangement where appropriate. Those properties arranged around the crescent of the site face on to it, providing natural surveillance and a safe environment for the public. The secondary greenspace is also naturally surveilled, and the development will deliver a safe and inclusive community.


Development across the site as a whole will be generally of two storeys in height to eaves level with pitched or hipped roof, respective of the local vernacular. Dwellings are generally arranged in an outward facing manner on to the communal spaces, providing natural surveillance. In the higher density areas, there are some inward facing semi-detached and terraced groups which look out on to the street scene in a typical manner with front parking courtyards and even in these cases they provide natural surveillance which adds to the quality of the street scene. The development has been arranged to make the most of its landscaped context. 


New hedgerow and tree planting will form part of a considered landscaping scheme providing a range of semi-natural and maintained habitats; incorporating areas of scrub and wildflower grassland to promote biodiversity interest, which will contribute positively to the sense of place and positively integrate the development into its surroundings.

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