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The site is allocated within the New Forest District Local Plan as Strategic Site ‘SS6’.

The site is allocated for at least 100 homes and the delivery of public open space.
It is our intention to create a well designed extension to Lymington settlement through a scheme that respect the total edge character of the site and its surroundings. 

The site will be focused around a central green space which forms a new boundary and soft transition to the open countryside of the National Park and a meaningful public amenity space for residents.

The development seeks to retain existing important tree belts and hedgerows as important native landscape features that contribute to the character of the site.

Existing public rights of way will be enhanced and the site integrated into the built up area of Lymington with new links where appropriate towards central Lymington and Woodside Recreation Ground.

Two points of access are to be formed, one from Lower Pennington Lane and Ridgeway Lane respectively, to provide a connected development that enhances local permeability.

The scheme has had special regard for the sensitivity of Oakhaven Hospice and will preserve and enhance its tranquility and supplement its existing visitor facilities to the betterment of the valued facility.

The proposal will represent a well considered development having regard for its constraints and opportunities and comfortably assimilate into the settlement.

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