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Large groups of existing trees are retained and dictate the built framework, soften proposed streets and provides opportunity for good quality walkways that reflect the rural character of the area.

Existing boundary trees retained to minimise how the development affects the surrounding houses, fields and lanes.

Small groups of trees situated within the site are retained to soften the street scape and contribute to the character of private gardens and streets.

Designated green open spaces make use of existing open spaces defined by boundary trees. The ANRG and Open Space is positioned to take advantage of qualities provided in the existing landscape and to provide a variety of green spaces.

Small trees have been added to the scheme to further soften the development, particularly private drives and internal parking courtyards. 


The ANRG forms a visual extension to open fields to the south and create a visual connection to land surrounding the town and to maintain an edge condition that is rural in character, similar to other locations in the town. However, an edge is still retained through groups of trees and small hedges. Linking green spaces in this way provides wildlife corridors that can sustain natural habitats

The larger and better quality trees on the site have recently been subject of TPO protection and are as a result to be retained as part of the proposals.

Survey work undertaken on the site has identified opportunities for commuting and foraging bats and breeding birds.  Habitats on site will be enhanced to support this biodiversity interest.
Full details of the proposed mitigation and compensation measures will be outlined at application stage within the Ecological Assessment documents, taking account for the need to protect any interest during development and deliver biodiversity net gain.


Click on the plan below to view in expanded mode.

Landscape Framework diagram .JPG
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