We are pleased to welcome you to this virtual public exhibition and to present our proposals for the future development of Land east of Lower Pennington Lane, Lymington. The site forms the majority of Strategic Site ‘SS6’ within the New Forest District Local Plan. The development of this allocated strategic housing site is key to meeting housing needs in the local area and provides opportunities to deliver a sustainable mix of housing to support a diverse and inclusive community.
This proposal demonstrates a unique opportunity to create a high-quality environment that is sensitive to national and local planning policies.
Our objective is to positively transform this infill site into a vibrant and thriving place to live that will complement the existing surrounding settlement. This will be achieved through providing a sensitive and thoughtful proposal that is designed through an understanding of the local context and delivers new market and affordable homes, public spaces and cycling and walking connections.
This infill site is located 0.8 miles from Lymington town centre and thus a range of services, facilities job and entertainment opportunities.
Lymington town centre is a historic and prestigious Georgian market town with many independent shops and renowned yachting facilities.
The site is well connected and serviced by vehicular access via Lower Pennington Lane and Ridgeway Lane, which connect directly on to the A337
The nearby village of Brockenhurst provides direct connection to Weymouth and to London main line via the Lymington branch line.