We are pleased to welcome you to this virtual public exhibition and to present our proposals for the future development of Land east of Lower Pennington Lane, Lymington. The site forms the majority of Strategic Site ‘SS6’ within the New Forest District Local Plan. The development of this allocated strategic housing site is key to meeting housing needs in the local area and provides opportunities to deliver a sustainable mix of housing to support a diverse and inclusive community.
We are delighted to confirm that the following companies have been involved in delivering this proposed project.

The site is allocated within the New Forest District Local Plan as Strategic Site ‘SS6’.
The site is allocated for at least 100 homes and the delivery of public open space.
It is our intention to create a well designed extension to Lymington settlement through a scheme that respect the total edge character of the site and its surroundings.
The site will be focused around a central greenspace which forms a new boundary and soft transition to the open countryside of the National Park and a meaningful public amenity space for residents.
The purpose of the character study is to build up an understanding of the local and immediate context. The idea to is build up an understanding of the key physical characteristics which can be used to inform the design approach. To learn more about the characteristics and details of the site click on the button below for more detail.

With the help and understanding of the character study we are able to understand the sites key characteristics and constraints which inform the design approach and layout for our allocated site. To learn more about the opportunities and constraints of the site click on the button below for more detail.
The proposed development has been landscape led, focused on the natural characteristic of the site and positively integrating the developeemnt into the landscape.
The strategy for the arrangement of the site has focused on three main considerations: integration of green spaces and character areas that respond to the local context pedestrian and vehicular connectivity, and response to sensitive receptors.

Creating Jobs –
It is estimated that during the construction phase between 150 and 200 new full time temporary construction jobs will be created
Delivering Homes –
Up to 82 new market and affordable homes of mixed type, size and tenure to meet the needs of local residents.
Raising Revenue –
The development will generate circa £151,000 in new Council Tax Receipts each year, and if there is no change to the New Homes Bonus, a further £604,000 within the first four years.
Increase in Local Spending –
The development once completed could contribute around £2.3m in local spending each year plus an additional multiplier of impact resulting from this local investment.
Open Greenspaces –
The scheme will provide approximately 2.63HA of open greenspace for public recreation, play and creation and enhancement of biodiversity interest.
Encouraging Sustainable Travel –
The proposals seek to accommodate and upgrade existing footpaths and provide new footway connections which will improve local pedestrian and cycle connectivity to local services and facilities.
Education –
The development will contribute towards additional funding for local school capacity and enhancement of existing facilities.
Safeguarding the Allocation –
The scheme has been designed to support the delivery of the remainder of Strategic Allocation SS6 and will allow for connection of footpaths and roads and green infrastructure to provide a linked and permeable development.
We would be delighted to hear your comments on our proposed development.
Please use the adjacent form to email your comment to us.